DaeHwa Park

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 In Loving Memory of

Rev. KookWon Park and YoonJa Kwark

At a Garden of Eden at OchonHwaCheon-Gil and

the World that Rev. and Mrs. KookWon Park lived.              

    KookWon (1927-2024) and YoonJa (1933-2024) tilled a garden of Eden at Ochon-HwaCheon Gil. After 38 years of the full-time   ordained ministry for the Korean Methodist Church (1960-1998), they built a house on the site purchased after the lot seen in a vision.   At front they plented almond tree, fig tree, sycamore tree, and vines. Envisioning several other fruit trees planted by the river of life   (Revelation 22:2), they planted chesnut tree, persimon, and apple trees. One year, KookWon transplated a pine tree from Mt. Backdu   after his trip there. Vegetable beds in the backyard were a place where they enjoy the Noahic covenent (Genesis 8:22).