DaeHwa Park

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+ Liturgical Highlights +

40 Days of Lent - 2023

 + Sun., February 26, First Sunday in Lent - Imposition of Ashes
 + Sun., March 5, Second Sunday in Lent - Holy Communion
 + Sun, March 12, Third Sunday in Lent - Praise Band
 + Sun., March 19, Fourth Sunday in Lent - UMCOR Sunday ($)
            - 12 Hours of Famine - Fri., March 24 11 a.m. thru 11 p.m.
 + Sun., March 26, Fifth Sunday in Lent
            - Lunch with the Pastor
 +  Sun., April 2, Palm/Passion Sunday 
            - Maundy Thursday, Apr. 6 - The Passion of Matthean Jesus
            - Good Friday, Apr. 7 - Contemporary Stations of the Cross

Be Perfect as Your Father Is Perfect

 = Sermon Outline =

 Part 1. The Journey of the Mortals - Feb. 26

​ Part 2. Settle Matters Quickly with Your Adversaries

 Part 3. To be Seen by God, Not by Men - Mar. 12

 Part 4. Seek First His Kingdom & His Righteousness Part 5. Love Your Enemies - Mar. 26

 Part 6. Like the King Gentle, Riding on a Donkey - Apr. 2

 Part 7. Passion of the Matthean Jesus - Maundy Thursday

 Part 8. Seven Woes, Then and Now - Good Friday.

   “Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect”
        Sermon Series during 40 days of Lenten Journey

 Be prepared for a journey of the 40 days of Lent. All the

 lambs of God at Good Shepherd, whether faithfully gathered

 or  wayward, are truly invited to the journey that leads us to

 be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect.

 Jesus, the Son of God, set out the journey in the first century

 to redeem all His followers from sin and death. Set aside all

 Sunday mornings for your spiritual maturity. Come, and

 worship, come with your loved ones for this spiritual way to
