DaeHwa Park
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© 2000-2024 | DaeHwa Park
+ Liturgical Highlights +
40 Days of Lent - 2023
+ Sun., February 26, First Sunday in Lent - Imposition of Ashes
+ Sun., March 5, Second Sunday in Lent - Holy Communion
+ Sun, March 12, Third Sunday in Lent - Praise Band
+ Sun., March 19, Fourth Sunday in Lent - UMCOR Sunday ($)
- 12 Hours of Famine - Fri., March 24 11 a.m. thru 11 p.m.
+ Sun., March 26, Fifth Sunday in Lent
- Lunch with the Pastor
+ Sun., April 2, Palm/Passion Sunday
- Maundy Thursday, Apr. 6 - The Passion of Matthean Jesus
- Good Friday, Apr. 7 - Contemporary Stations of the Cross
Be Perfect as Your Father Is Perfect
= Sermon Outline =
Part 1. The Journey of the Mortals - Feb. 26
Part 2. Settle Matters Quickly with Your Adversaries
Part 3. To be Seen by God, Not by Men - Mar. 12
Part 4. Seek First His Kingdom & His Righteousness Part 5. Love Your Enemies - Mar. 26
Part 6. Like the King Gentle, Riding on a Donkey - Apr. 2
Part 7. Passion of the Matthean Jesus - Maundy Thursday
Part 8. Seven Woes, Then and Now - Good Friday.