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Liturgical Highlights during Kingdom-tide 2023
+++ Season One +++
+ Sun., June 4, Trinity Sunday: Peace with Justice Sunday ($)
+ Sun., June 11, Second Sunday after Pentecost
- in Appreciation Praise Band
+ Sun., June 18, Third Sunday after Pentecost; Father’s Day
- Encountering Our Fathers and Children
+ Sun., June 25, Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
+ Sun., July 2, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Independence Sunday
+ Sun., July 9, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: Festival of God’s Creation
- Christmas in July
+ Sun., July 16, Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
+ Sun., July 23, Eighth Sunday after Pentecost; Parents Day
- Faithful Parents of the Year Recognized
+Sun., July 30, Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
- Ice Cream Social with The Milky Way Children
= Sermon Outlines =
Part 1. In God's Image, June 4, 2023
Part 2. Out of the Ground, June 11,
Part 3. All Aboard in Noah's World, June 18
Part 4. Interdependent Are We, July 2
Part 5. Keep All CoCreatures Holy, July 9
Part 6. Thy Will be Done on EEarth, July 16
Part 7. On the Holy Mountain, July 23
Part 8. Make All Things New, July 30
= Creation Care Seminar =
= Creation Care Seminar =
"Serving God through Faithful Stewardship on Our Common Home: Equipping Good Shepherd United Methodist Church and The United Methodist of Savage for Anthropocene"
(c) 2023, DaeHwa Park
Throughout the ages, God has called His children out of the world
he created to keep it holy! This year Good Shepherd envisions His
divine call to take care of our Common Home—the Planet Earth.
Praise God of Universe, Being in Becoming.
Experience God indwelling in the lives of our co-creatures;
Serve God as the Milky Way disciples. Share God with your
neighbors - the churched and the unchurched. Received the
Holy Spirit, falling afresh on us who are committed to make all
things new!