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Means of Grace to Shape Our Future

Lanham United Methodist Church

​Iglesia Metodista Unidad de Lanham

Brochure and Pledge Card

(Please fill out and bring it on Sunday, November 4)

Means of Grace to Shape Our Future

The United Methodist Church at Savage

Brochure and Pledge Card

(Please fill out and bring it on Sunday, November 4)

DaeHwa Park

 Leaving Vital Faith

 Sermon Series during Kingdom-tide IV - 2018 (Year of Multiplication)

 Worshipers will gather at the foot of the cross to hear the holy word of God that shapes our life that leave vital  faith. Come and learn about the fundamental tasks of the church. Let us gather together to build the Kingdom of  God with firm faith and joyful practices. Bring your spouse, children, parents, and other friends to pray, learn and  serve the Lord and His people. 

Sermon Outlines (PowerPoint Slides)

- Stewardship Campaign -