© 2000-2024 | DaeHwa Park
Resources for Holy Living
- Biblical Leadership Models: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jethro, Nehemiah, Appolos, Paul, and Jesus
- Patterns of Thoughts throughout the Ages (Dr. TaeDong Han)
- Eastern Thoughts
- Primitive Undivided Thought Pattern: Mystic Way of Living of Ancient Society
- The Book of Change (주역) and Its Philosophy of History
- Thought Pattern of Taoism (노자 장자)
- Thought Pattern of Confucianism (공자의 논어)
- (묵자의 사 유 달 삼리)
- (한비자의 법가)
- (퇴계 이황과 율곡 이이의 성리학)
- (금강경의 석가사상)
- Western Thoughts
- Greek Thoughts from Comedy "King Oediphus" - 2D Dualism
- Aristotle's Teleological External Abstract and Internal Analysis
- Christian Theology of Paradox
- Agustine's Philosophy of History: "The City of God," derived from Confession, Autobiography
- Thought Pattern of Renaissance from Boccatio's Decamelon and Galileo's Acceleration Principle
- Thought Pattern of Renaissance: Juan Luis Vives and Lorenzo Valla
- Religious Reformation: Martin Luther & Poincare
- Kant's "Transendental" and Hegel's Reservare, Dolere, Elevare
- Manheim and Karl Marx
- Burkhardt
- Francis Bacon and George Bull (1815-1864)
- Adjoinedness
Korean Thoughts: Making People Blessed!; Living in Harmony
- Methodist Movement: Holy Living and Holy Dying of Jeremy Taylor, Scriptural Way of Salvation of John Wesley
- Modern Theologians