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Sermon Outlines
Sermon Series during Easter tide - 2021
“He is risen, he is risen, indeed,” the shout of the Easter people
is echoed in our hearts. O overcomer, come and celebrate
what God’s mighty act in Jesus Christ.
Encounter the risen Lord, Jesus who appeared to his followers.
May God, who raised His Son, Jesus Christ from the dead, raise
you from challenges and circumstances that have kept you
from the presence of God.
Let your family and friends overcome the mysterious power
of death and destruction. Come and sing together “Alleluia,
he arose!”
Easter commemorates the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, after he had been in the tomb for three days.(40 hours) Following
the crucifixion Jesus’ apostles had been confused and disillusioned by the death of their master; however, the resurrection assured
them that he had not died in vain and galvanized them into a band of dedicated people who would carry Christianity to the four corners
of the earth. (from Bulletin Notes, April 4, 2021)
During the season of Easter, known as “The Great 50 Days,” worshipers around the globe will lift up God’s mighty acts in Jesus and
find out their new adventure with the gospel of the Risen Christ. Observed on the Third Sunday of Easter, this Sunday reminds the
Church of the gifts and contributions made by Native Americans to our Church and society. United Methodists celebrate Native
American Ministries Sunday with special giving. (from Sunday Bulletin Notes, April 11-18, 2021)