© 2000-2024 | DaeHwa Park
DaeHwa Park
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Inviting Others
"Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet." (Luke 14:23-24)
In keeping with our commitment to invite others into a loving, prayerful relationship with God, Savage-Lanham is becoming more intentional about reaching out others and receiving those who respond, relating them to God, nurturing them in faith, and sending them to serve.
Our Evangelism and Outreach team lead ways in developing necessary tools and welcoming habits, and have undertaken bold new initiatives to increase the visibility of our church in the broader community and to develop a culture in which more of our members are actively reaching out and receiving others into the church. Reaching out others in the name of Christ is the responsibility of every Christian.
Savage-Lanham uses seasonal invitation card—three times a year (Lent-Easter cycle, Summer season, along with Summer worship at the chapel in the woods; and Advent-Christmas cycle). 4”x6” card includes the sermon series and seasonal events for Lanham’ friends and neighbors.
Invite others for worship, study and service opportunities. No greater evangelism than the words of mouth, which may be required your own ownership of the mission and ministries of the church. As a church, the faithful disciples, called out of many, pursue ownership of the mission and ministries of Savage-Lanham.
Encourage your children and other family members for observance of Sundays, as Sabbath to God, which is one of the 7 ministry initiatives. Bring them worship and Social Hour for faithful connection. Please tell your unchurched friends about “Lunch with Pastor,” a 2-hour lunch with pastor for new member’s workshop and invite them “Coffee with Pastor,” at Fellowship Hall in the church at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays or Thursdays for a weekly faith talk.