DaeHwa Park
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© 2000-2024 | DaeHwa Park
Liturgical Highlights
+ Sun., Jan. 2, Epiphany Sunday
- Holy Communion
+ Sun., Jan. 9, Baptism of the Lord
- Reaffirmation of Baptismal Covenant
"Remember your baptism and be thankful!
+ Sun., Jan.16, Second Sun. after Epiphany
- Multi-Contextual Ministry Sunday
+ Sun., Jan. 23, Third Sun. after Epiphany
- Commissioning of Spiritual Leaders
+ Sun., Jan 30, Fourth Sun. after Epiphany
- Praising God with Children and Youth
+ Sun., Feb. 6, Fifth Sun. after the Epiphany
- Holy Communion
+ Sun., Feb. 13, Sixth Sun. after Epiphany
- Praise Band and Sweetheart Dinner
"The Cutest, Most Lovely & Faithful Sweethearts"
+ Sun., Feb. 20, Seventh Sun. after Epiphany
- Brotherhood/ Sisterhood Week (20-26)
+ Sun., Feb. 27, Transfiguration Sunday
“Be Holy as God Is Holy”
Worshipers will celebration the manifestation of the Lord among His people as they celebrate Epiphany Sunday, January 2.
They will encounter Peter one of the twelve faithful disciples through his Letter to the Early Church. Written to encourage the church
in Asia Minor in a time of persecution, Peter proclaims hope in Christ. This hope sees us through tough times. Because we have
hope in Christ, we are called to live a life of hope and hope in the world. At the impending advent of Christ, Peter in his second letter,
asks the church to be faithful and continue to expect Jesus to return. Come to church. Do not miss the celebration of worship from
the first Sunday of New Year of 2022.
New Year's Messages
Part 1. You, the Strangers in the World - Jan. 2
Part 2. Born Again Holy - Jan. 9
Part 3. Called by the Living Stone - Jan. 16
Part 4. Suffering for Doing Good - Jan. 23
Part 5. Escape from the Corruption - Jan. 30
Part 6. Remember the Words of the Holy Prophets - Feb. 6
Part 7. Grow in the Grace of our Lord - Feb. 13
- Special: Boy Scout Sunday - Feb. 13 at Savage
- Supplement: With Jesus Surpassing - Feb. 20, at Savage
- Supplement: Not Here for Us, Elsewhere for All - Feb. 27